20 different volunteers in total attended two Neighbourhood Plan workshops on 15 and 30 March to work out what the plan hoped to achieve, based on the January questionnaire feedback.  From the second NP workshop clear objectives were identified in rough and the NP working group continue the process of adjusting and improving these as we write up a draft Neighbourhood Plan. Click for themes, objectives and policies updated in Sep 2023.

These also helped us to summarise a vision for Harston’s future over the next twenty years or so, as below:

Harston NP vision is to maintain the village’s rural charm, where new buildings are in keeping with the rural setting and its historic identity is retained. The environment, located in the green belt, will be enhanced for everyone to enjoy while embracing sustainability and biodiversity.

A cohesive, diverse, vibrant community will be fostered, anchored by a thriving school, with improved community facilities & services to make it a great place to call home while being ecologically and environmentally friendly. Any new development should focus on creating affordable housing opportunities and be sensitively and sustainably designed. Improved connectivity will be created through well-designed transport options, with cycleways and footpaths that serve the needs of the community.