What is Harston Residents’ Group (HRG)?

We are a group of Harston residents who came together originally in May 2014 in response to the Parish Council’s call for volunteers to create a Village Design Statement. For various reasons, we’ve not done that – but as of 2017 we are working towards a Village Plan, with the potential for this to develop into a more detailed (and development-focussed) Neighbourhood Plan. This will be based on the aspirations of people in the village around areas such as housing, traffic and transport, environment and local amenities. We will be doing more throughout 2018 to bring this to fruition.

HRG became a constituted group in 2018, meaning that we now have some defined roles and the ability to hold funds. As a result, we are now obliged to hold annual elections and provide an annual financial report. Despite this new formality, we want to remain as flexible and accessible as possible. So beyond the roles of Chair, Secretary and Treasurer, we don’t ask for commitment. Anyone living in Harston is welcome to attend the meetings; attendance can be regular or sporadic as your time or interest allows. All views and opinions are equal and valued.

The Group reflects the relative diversity of the village, with people of all ages and backgrounds participating. What unites us is a passion to protect the interests of Harston and help it to develop as per the wishes of the community. That said, we would love to get more younger people involved. This is your village, so have your say on what activity we undertake! If you can’t make the meetings, you can always email us.

Currently, defined roles are held by:

  • Joy Richardson – Chair
  • Jan Nanor – Vice-Chair and Secretary
  • Claire Cock-Starkey – Newsletter
  • Hilary Roadley & Beki Korb – Greener Harston
  • Brian Williamson – Transport
  • Fabio Puddu – Website
  • Chinnu Alexander – Treasurer & Litter Pick organiser

Our thanks to:

  • Andrew Cock-Starkey, who originally created and occasionally maintains our website
  • Helen Hartley, who took many of the photos on this website
  • Harston Parish Council, which sends representatives to create a link between our organisations; and which from 2017 has funded this website
  • All those who give their time and energy in support of our activities

Our aims:

  • To protect and enhance Harston’s heritage and character
  • To enable campaigns on village issues
  • To deepen the sense of community in the village
  • To provide a voice for Harston residents.
  • To plan for the sustainable future of the village
  • To communicate village information

What can you do?

Join us: You are very welcome to join any of our meetings. Join us for one or more of our meetings or join one of our sub-groups that is focussed on a particular issues. Email us and we’ll let you know what’s happening.

Follow us: You can keep in touch with us: