At 2021 October’s meeting Harston Parish Council (PC) agreed to support the development of a Neighbourhood Plan which Harston Resident’s Group (HRG) had been pushing for. The Historic Environment team of Greater Cambridge Planning had also suggested to the PC/History Group that this would be a good way of protecting the village’s heritage and character.
On 9 November 2021 interested HRG and PC members listened to how Swaffham Bulbeck produced their plan and what it could and couldn’t achieve. As a result a working group of interested volunteers was set up to take the idea further.

The Harston Neighbourhood Plan Working Group aims to meet on the 4th Tuesday evening of each month at the Recreation Ground Pavilion (off The Limes) at 7.30pm but has ad hoc meetings or sub group meetings to carry out emerging tasks at other times.
Anyone can join and contribute to the group at any stage of the plan either with viewpoints, ideas or skills. We would welcome people with expertise who can help with odd tasks as they occur. In particular we need people with the following skills:
- Mapping / GIS
- Marketing
- Data analysis and presentation
- Website management
- Social media expertise
- Communications / PR background
- Landscape architect with knowledge of landscape character assessment
- Ecologist with knowledge of biodiversity & wildlife in village