Harston’s Draft Neighbourhood Plan has just been produced based on comments and feedback made during earlier consultation events. We are now seeking your feedback on the policies and proposals within this draft plan. There will be a 7 week consultation ending on Tuesday 11 June.
All residents should have received a brief summary of the plan and a feedback form which you can drop into the box in the PO, at the Primary school or 15 Meadow Way. You can also feedback on-line, which we prefer, as this would help us save time logging all your written responses.
Deadline for responses is Tuesday 11 June.
A number of drop-in sessions where you can look at leisure at a display of the Plan’s main themes and policies, see a hard copy of the plan, ask questions and enjoy a tea or coffee are planned:
- Thursday 25th April at the Annual Parish Meeting which starts at 7pm (see display from 6.30pm)
- Friday 26th April 6.00 -7.30 pm display at Harston & Newton Primary School, concurrent with school disco
- Sunday 28 April – display at Litter pick 2-4pm Rec pavilion
- Saturday 4 May 10.30-12.30 at Better Brew Café and see the main exhibition in the afternoon 2-5pm
- Saturday 1st June 10.30-12.30 at Better Brew Café
Look out in newsletters for details of sessions at the Primary school/cubs & scouts.
More details in the Neighbourhood Plan section