Harston Parish Council submitted its Neighbourhood Plan to South Cambridgeshire District Council on 11 December 2024, along with its supporting documents.

South Cambs are now holding a consultation Thursday 9 January 2025 – 5pm on Thursday 20 February 2025 seeking your views on the Harston Neighbourhood Plan before it is considered by an Independent Examiner and can proceed towards a referendum in 2025.

Members of the public are being invited to comment online via S Cambs consultation system: https://consultations.greatercambridgeplanning.org/

However, if you are unable to comment online, please email them at neighbourhood.planning@greatercambridgeplanning.org

Or write to them at: Planning Policy Team, South Cambridgeshire Hall, Cambourne Business Park, Cambourne, Cambridge, CB23 6EA.

Please include your name, and both your postal and email addresses with any comments so we can keep you informed on the progress of the Neighbourhood Plan.

All comments received during the consultation period will be published. Please refer to S Cambs privacy notice for further details, which can be found on: https://consultations.greatercambridgeplanning.org/privacy

To view the Harston Neighbourhood Plan and its supporting documents, visit: https://www.scambs.gov.uk/planning/local-plan-and-neighbourhood-planning/harston-neighbourhood-plan/

During the consultation, you can view the documents at the Small Committee Room in Harston Village Hall when the hall or large committee room are booked for activities. These times can be found on the Harston Village Hall calendar link: https://www.harstonvillagehall.org.uk/calendar.htm.

If you would like to arrange an appointment to view the documents outside of the village hall opening hours, please contact clerk@harstonparishcouncil.gov.uk.

A member of the NP Working Group will be also be available for any questions re the NP documents at the Saturday Feb 1st Better Brew Café in Harston VH 10.30 am-12.30pm.

What is the Harston Neighbourhood Plan?

The Harston Neighbourhood Plan sets out a range of planning policies which cover many issues that are considered important to the local community.   It is a way for communities to take a proactive approach to deciding the future of the place where they live and work. Your input can help to shape future development there and ensure the local environment, homes, facilities and community assets are protected and enhanced in years to come. Once ‘made’ (adopted) a Neighbourhood Plan has the same legal status as the district wide Local Plan, and alongside the Local Plan will be used in deciding planning applications that fall within its area. Further information is available on our website: www.greatercambridgeplanning.org/emerging-plans-and-guidance/neighbourhood-planning/