During July & August a small dedicated team of the NP volunteer working group, following guidance by our planning consultant, had numerous weekly meetings to produce written responses to each NP comment by Statutory or other bodies, and by Harston residents or landowners. S Cambs had a meeting with us in September to discuss certain NP changes they would like to improve the plan.
The next steps involve amending the NP with Planning consultant help and ensuring all the necessary documents and evidence base are available, along with a consultation statement which includes a record of all the consultation stages we have been through- who contacted, how, when, why, and our response to comments. Once we have ensured all supporting evidence is ready (in line with Regulation 15) we would submit the NP and documents to SCDC/GCSP- hopefully early November.
SCDC will than carry out a further consultation of 6 weeks (Regulation 16), contacting all residents and organisation who responded. Then they will appoint an examiner who may have further questions or want facts checked, likely to be in the New Year. Hopefully by the end of the grant period in March 2025 Harston will be able to hold a referendum on the Neighbourhood Plan.