The NP Working Group has met this month with the leader of Foxton NP to gain an insight into how they produced their plan and what professional help they used. The group then met with Rachel Hogger, a consultant for NPs and Alison Brown, representing ACRE consultancy. As a result we have received a broad project plan to follow in the production of Harston’s Neighbourghood Plan, with pointers on prioritising tasks and resources and where professional help may be used most effectively.
The government allows us to bid for up to £10,000 to assist with professional help and costs but this must be used by the end of the project cycle on 31 March 2023. Very little time before the next unknown cycle of grants and their initial offer was for £6000 for the first lot of basic help. We are looking to see what more we can do ourselves!
We desperately need the help of Harston residents who can help with small discrete tasks. Please let us know if you can help with one of the following:
• to produce a simple report on how we have engaged so far with Harston’s community and the methods we will use in the future to ensure we reach all sections of our community (marketing skills useful)
• mapping skills- every policy, allocation of lands use site has to be identified digitally on OS maps provided free by S Camb- intermittent need (we have had an offer of help for this already)
• Data analysis and presentation particularly helping with questionnaire we are working on at moment
• Website management – to assess hosting problems with HRG website where we are adding NP information
• Social media expertise – to keep people abreast of latest NP activities
• Communications / PR background