The Neighbourhood Plan display at the Rec on 8 May Coronation Day included the January Questionnaire results as well as boards on ‘views within the village’, ‘into and out of the village’ and another on ‘green spaces’. Views that people valued were contributed by a number of people. Over 85 adults and 10 teenagers viewed the boards and many were involved in discussions of issues or what they would like to see changed or protected within the village. The displays could also be seen before and after The Annual Parish Meeting in the Village Hall.

Looking at views and visually important open spaces are the first steps in completing a fuller landscape assessment for the whole parish. A landscape character assessment and biodiversity survey will be carried out for the different character areas in the parish surrounding the village on 15 July by 5 teams of volunteers.

During May the Harston Neighbourhood Plan working Group met and worked out different character areas for the village, based on age, history, type of housing, etc to help with a future Design Code.  On 1 June two members of HNPWG then met with 3 members of AECOM, government Technical providers, to walk around the village to help confirm the character areas and get photos to help with the Design code. Some members of their team also looked at the Traffic and parking problems particularly associated with Button End, Church St and by the school.

You can see a draft copy of the character areas map which still needs some amendment.

During June the NPWG  reviewed the vision, framework themes and objectives produced after the last March workshop but some still need amending once more of the evidence base has been researched and completed. Please send comments to contact below.

Evidence still being looked at include:

  • Accident data for Button & Church St
  • A detailed list and map of Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs)
  • A review of  Green Spaces – Local Green Spaces & Protected Village Amenity Areas
  • A summary of general/typical biodiversity & wildlife in different habitats within the parish to aid the landscape and biodiversity survey
  • Summary of Greater Cambridge Green Belt Assessment Report, August 2021 for the 23 sections of land around Harston that it examined & gave data on future high/low risk, found at:

Harston NP/PC also put out ‘Call for Sites’ in July for possible future housing. Potential sites can be submitted on the proforma found under the housing section.
